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Greater Sydney Area, New South Wales, Australia

Turf Varieties

C1 Sports

C1 Sports Couch Please contact us for information on C1 Sports couch.

Stadium Sports Couch

Stadium Sports Couch Cynodon dactylon ‘WGP3’’ Stadium® has been bred exclusively to suit sporting venues. It has good density for sports fields and golf courses…

Palmetto Buffalo Turf

Palmetto Soft Leaf Buffalo Stenotaphrum secundatum ‘SS100” Palmetto is one of the largest selling Buffalo varieties in the world; having a soft feel, excellent winter…

Prestige Buffalo Turf

Prestige Soft Leaf Buffalo Stenotaphrum secundatum ‘PAL42’ This turf variety has all the benefits of Palmetto® turf and more! Bred from the popular Palmetto® Soft…

Empire Zoysia

Empire Zoysia Zoysia japonica ‘SS500’ EMPIRE™ Turf grows Australia Wide and provides a lawn grass which is easy to look after. It has a relatively fine leaf…

Nara Native Zoysia Turf

Nara Native Zoysia Zoysia macrantha ‘MAC03’ Nara Native Turf is a beautiful Zoysia Macrantha that is Native to Australia. This turf provides a lawn grass…

Kenda Kikuyu Turf

Kenda Kikuyu Turf Pennisetum clandestinum Kenda Kikuyu is a fast establishing form of Kikuyu turf with great drought and wear tolerance. If you have a…

Oakridge Kikuyu

Oakridge ® Kikuyu Pennisetum clandestinum cv K-54 Oakridge® is a non-seeding male sterile variety of kikuyu grass with medium bright green leaves…

QLD Blue Couch

Queensland Blue Couch Digitaria didactyla Often referred to as Queensland Blue Couch, this favourite lawn type is neither from Queensland, nor is it a Couch….

Aussie Blue Couch

Aussie Blue Couch Digitaria didactyla cv. Aussieblue (formerly D. swazilandensis) Aussie Blue Couch, like its QLD Blue counterpart is a common turf variety used for…

CT2 Sports Couch

CT2 Sports Couch Cynodon dactylon cv. CT-2 CT2 Sports Couch has an attractive dark green colour. It’s very drought tolerant and exhibits excellent wear and…

Oz Tuff
Green Couch

Oz Tuff Green Couch Turf Cynodon dactylon Oz Tuff couch turf is a high quality variety with a low growth profile and low nutritional requirements….

Wintergreen Couch Turf

Wintergreen Couch Cynodon dactylon cv. Wintergreen Wintergreen Couch has been planted around the suburbs and regions of Brisbane, the Gold Coast…

Sweet Smother Turf

Sweet Smother Dactyloctenium australe Sweet Smother , sometimes known as Durban, is an excellent choice for projects where shading is the predominant consideration. It is…